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Gummy Smile

Gummy Smile

Do you have gummy smile?

Is your gum line too low or high?

When you smile, do you feel the appearance of your upper teeth is overshadowed by excessive gum tissue?

Are you of the opinion that your upper teeth appear too short compared to the amount of gingival tissue displayed when you smile?

If you answered “yes” to either of these questions, you may have a condition that is commonly called a “gummy smile” or excessive gingival display.

Are you self conscious due to having a gummy smile? If yes, then a gum lift may be the ideal solution for you!


An excessive display of gum tissue in your upper jaw can result from the abnormal eruption of the teeth.

Teeth covered by excessive gum tissue appear short, even though they may actually be the proper length.

The muscle that controls the movement of your upper lip could be hyperactive, causing your upper lip to rise up higher than normal. When this occurs, more of your gum tissue is exposed when you smile.

The manner in which your upper jaw bone grew and developed could cause the appearance of a gummy smile.

For instance, if there was an excessive bulging protrusion of the upper jaw within the gum tissue, you would experience an obvious gummy appearance when you smile.

An Esthetic Problem or Something More?


Gum lift is a cosmetic dental procedure that raises and sculpts the gum line to improve the aesthetic appearance of one's smile.


There are a number of different cosmetic dentistry techniques that can be used to improve the appearance of the gums.


Same-day laser treatments (in minor cases).

Orthodontics (braces) to move the teeth into more suitable positions.

Surgical Sculpting of the gingival tissues and bone to create healthier and more attractive looking gum contours.
Maxillofacial surgery to reposition the bone.

CROWN LENTHENING PROCEDURE: “crown lengthening” is a procedure to correct the appearance of a gummy smile. During this procedure, the excess gum tissue is removed – and possibly bone – in order to expose more of the tooth’s surface. This Surgical Sculpting procedure can be performed on one or more teeth to create an even gum line or a more natural looking smile.

As a result, gummy smile sufferers see more of their teeth when they smile and less of their gums.

A gum lift can involve using a laser to painlessly reshape the gum line, by increasing or reducing its length, so that it better fits the structure of the teeth. In more extensive cases the gum reshaping procedure may involve the removal of bone and gum through dental surgery.


A gum lift can improve the appearance of one's smile by creating a more even and better proportioned gum line. Gum reshaping can help resolve a gummy smile making both ones smile and face in general appear better balanced. The new improved gum line can also lead to healthier gums in the long term.

The benefits of crown lengthening procedures include increased comfort and confidence when smiling, eating and speaking, as well as improved periodontal (gum tissue) health.

18-2-150, Ashok Nagar

Opp. C.S. Cinemas, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh.

0877 225 1616


Opening Hours

Mon - Sat: 9AM - 9PM
Sun: 9AM - 2PM

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